Hiring Asian escorts is one of the popular choices of affluent men in NYC. There are many differences between escort industries and prostitution. Men who hire girls from the escort agencies for their pleasure needs are gentlemen than the average men out there. They basically look for the girl for their choice to accompany them for the night, have dinner and drink together along with cuddling, and then after getting physical with each other. It is not the same as straight intercourse with a prostitute.
Paid sensual services are popular in the United States. 15 to 20% of men in America confess that they have opted for paid service. For some, it was a pleasurable experience while some are not going to give it another chance. If you are a gentleman in NYC and planning to have some sensual acts by hiring an NYC Asian escort, you must know below 5 factual things before hiring an Asian escort.
- Asian escorts are intelligent girls
In prostitution, men generally believe that they are getting physical with an un-educated girl but this is not the same with escort girls.
NYC Asian escorts are mostly educated girls with proper school and college education. They love to serve the men of passion. They enter into the escort profession as their part-time job or passion. Most affluent and educated girls come to join the escort industry so that they can have a good time with gentlemen in the city.
- Asian escorts are soft-spoken and respect their clients
As New York Asian escorts are educated, they are good-natured too. They know how to speak and behave well with the clients and for this, they at first understand the accurate needs of the clients. The escorts make sure that they deliver what their clients ask them. One more thing, the clients need to remember that they cannot do any forceful activities with the escort girl. Whatever they want to do is mutual consent and there is no scope of any breach.
- Escorts use secret terms
Escorts do not speak the language you witness with the prostitutes and pimps. They never make a reference that sensual activities are traded for cash. You need to learn multiple phrasings and terms that are being used by Asian escorts. To maintain the secrecy, they use some substitutes instead of using direct terms. For example, they use the term BBBJ which stands for oral fun without a condom while CBJ stands for oral fun with a condom. GFE service stands for girlfriend experience service in which the escort acts as a girlfriend for the time period, the service is hired. To maintain the value of the escort services, different terms are always preferred, instead of discussing finances in terms of money or charge, it is better to replace them with ‘gift’.
- Asian escorts earn a lot of cash
People generally believe that escorts are into this profession for their livelihood. But that is not true, for some Asian escorts, escorting gives them access to elite social class where they get to meet the gentlemen of the same mentality. They get good money in exchange for their rime and services. They charge $2000 for one night which shows how expensive they are. They also serve in specific areas. They earn well by giving sensual access to their hourglass figure.
- Asian escorts love privacy
As you know, Asian escorts NYC are elite girls who are there to serve the needs of clients in amazing ways. They never want their identities to get revealed in public and that is the very same case with the clients too. They know how to maintain the privacy of their clients and for that they make sure that in any case of meeting or communication, they never interfere in the personal matters of the clients. Asian escorts also never make the clients worry about their safety and privacy because they also want the same.
Now, you must have understood what makes Asian escorts different from normal prostitutes. Hiring a New York Asian escort is the best way to pursue manly pleasure. You would love doing this to keep yourself sensually recharged and excited in the best ways.